Organizational Readiness Assessment Report

Here is a presentation of the organizational readiness assessment report. For the realization of this assignment, it was used as a readiness assessment tool regarding the ISTE standard for educators  together with the observation of four elementary grades (two 2nd & two 3rd grades). The observation purpose was focused on measuring teacher's tech practices in the classroom.

As a result, it was found that in this particular case, teachers are including technology in their daily tasks, some with more intensity than others. As a matter of fact, teachers demonstrated a great level of implementation for standard 7, Analyst. The sample shows how teachers are familiar with Schoology and Google Suites for tracking student's progress and planning their lessons. On the other hand, data also shows that the implementation of the standard 3, Citizen, is  not fully implemented due to the lack of knowledge and resources on how to encourage the concepts of digital citizenship.

Given these points, some of the recommendations for school's administrators were to continue using organizational readiness tools as part of the teaching reflection tech practice and providing PDs for teachers to understand the ISTE standards and resources that help them promote a safe digital learning environment.

Overall, I found this assignment very beneficial for my learning in the implementation of the ISTE standards for educators. The peer observation and feedback that can be obtained from activities like this would help me understand the training and outgoing support needed for enhancing technology practices in my instruction.


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