Genius Hour: Learning Typing

Week 1: Discovery and Education

October 23, 2018

"If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you." 

-Steve Jobs

One of the skills that I would like to learn for my personal and professional life is to type using both hands and looking at the screen instead of the keyboard, learn home row, and be able to do it with some speed and efficiency. 

I would like to set some initial goals for this skill:
  • Look on internet for suggested best practices to learn this skill;
  • Learn letter placement on the keyboard and corresponding finger placement over specific keys;
  • Once the keys are learned, begin to practice typing for accuracy;
  • Once the accuracy is good, begin to practice timing of words per minute.
I feel very excited working on this project as it is a skill I will continually use as well as something I have always wanted to master.  This skill will be a part of enhancing my search and work in technology as it relates to my interest and to my job.

Rawpixel. Flat lay photography of MacBook Pro, coffee cup and phone [Photograph]. Retrieved from


  1. Hi Clara,

    This a great project! I still have to look to type. I am envious of people who have high a high wpm skill set. I should have paid more attention in keyboarding class!

  2. I wish you the best, Clara! What an interesting thing to want to learn to do still, as an adult. I took a typing class back in 6th grade that required us to memorize the keys on a cardboard cutout of the keyboard, singing a song out loud about the keys. I thought it was totally crazy at the time, however it worked (that and since it was a Catholic school where the nuns yelled at us like crazy to master skills also helped!) : )

  3. Way to go Clara! On my ancient keyboard I am able to type without looking. I find myself looking more at the keys when using the laptop because I make more mistakes. You got this!!

  4. What a great choice! I hope you, as well as others, will share their experiences during this project with your students. Or at least share some highlights/lowlights. ~~Michelle Nevin

  5. This is an excellent choice! I gotta tell you, I LOVE being able to type. It has saved me so much time. I WISH they did this justice with our students. It such an important skill. Stick with it!! The payoff is high!


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