Effective Technology Integration into Lessons and Curriculum - Designing a PBL Unit

Understanding by Design
Stage 1 – Identify Desired Results
Established Common Core State Standards:
Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in a text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes)
Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

What essential questions will be considered?

How would you raise awareness of the animal’s plights?

What understandings are desired?
Students will understand …

The importance of raise awareness of the animal’s plights by citing textual evidence to support their points of view.

What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?
Students will know…

Ø  The story of The One and Only Ivan
Ø  Facts and fiction about the real Ivan
Ø  What people do to help animals rights
Ø  Tech skills: Digital Research tools, record their answers through videos or audio, create graphics and drawing, iMovie, Voki, Virtual trips, youtube & infographics

Students will be able to…

Ø  Work in groups
Ø  Plan a campaign
Ø  Create presentations
Ø  Discuss their points of view
Ø  Present reports
Ø  Design graphics and infographics

Stage 2 – Determine Acceptable Evidence
What evidence will show that students understand?
Performance Tasks: (student products & performances with clear criteria used to evaluate)

Ø  Collaboration and participation
Ø  Videos through youtube and flipgrid
Ø  Cloudgraphics
Ø  Drawings
Ø  Google Slide presentations
Ø  Vokis
Ø  Posts on Padlet
Ø  iMovie
NOTE: See lessons below

What other evidence needs to be collected in light of Stage 1 Desired Results?
Other Evidence: (tests, quizzes, prompts, work samples, observations, etc…)
Ø  Observations
Ø  Artifacts from the rescue animals’ campaign awareness
Ø  Self-assessment regarding individual input and group contribution.
Ø  Grading Rubrics

Stage 3 – Plan Learning Experience
Sequence of teaching and learning experiences (engage, develop and demonstrate the desired understandings)

W – Ensure that students understand WHERE the unit is headed, and WHY.
HHOOK students in the beginning and HOLD their attention throughout.
E EQUIP students will necessary experiences, tools, knowledge, and know-how to meet performance goals.
R – Provide students with numerous opportunities to RETHINK big ideas, REFLECT on progress, and REVISE their work.
E – Build in opportunities for students to EVALUATE progress and self-assess.
T – Be TAILORED to reflect individual talents, interests, styles, and needs.
O – Be ORGANIZED to optimize deep understanding as opposed to superficial coverage.

Lesson 1: Introduction of the book & predictions: Watch book trailer at http://www.theoneandonlyivan.com
Make a prediction about what will happen in the story. Record your thoughts on Youtube, and then comment on at least two other kids' videos.

Lesson 2: Begin reading: Listen to K. Applegate introduce the book and read the first two pages    
Lesson 3: Reading reflections: A discussion guide has been created on Padlet for you to reflect on Ivan’s story. While   your reading is progressing, you will write your answers and reply on three of your classmates’ posts. Reminder: Support your responses citing evidences from the text.
Lesson 4: With a partner, create a presentation on Google Slices describing the different settings of the story: Jungle, Mark’s House, Big Top Mall and the Zoo. Write your opinions about which one you believe is the right place for Ivan. Explain your reasons.
Lesson 5: In a group of three, use a word [[#|cloud]] to create a graphic of words to describe Ivan (http://www.abcya.com/word_clouds.htm) OR create a drawing in which represents your favorite part of The One and Only Ivan. (Google Drawing). Be ready to share it in class.
Lesson 6: After reading about Stella, students express how they were feeling about her passing by creating a Voki.    (http://www.voki.com/presenter/create). Post your Voki on Schoology.
Lesson 7: Research on line facts about the history of the real Ivan and the inspiration for this book and find out he adapted to his new home at Zoo Atlanta. Make an iMovie on the history of the real Ivan.
Lesson 8: Gorillas in the Wild. Research the mountain gorilla in its natural habitat and investigate what they can do to help the gorilla population worldwide. Go to www.gorillas.org or http://www.vecotourism.org/news/category/featured-species/grauers-gorillas/ to find ways to protect gorillas from the kind of hunter who killed Ivan’s parents. Create an infographic
Lesson 9: People Who Care. In small groups research people who have helped the world learn more about our relatives in nature—people like Charles Darwin, Jane Goodall, Biruté Galdikas, and Dian Fossey. What did each of these contribute to our knowledge? How did they get interested in the natural world and the animals they helped us to learn about? Create a presentation about your findings.
Lesson 10: In a group of three, plan a campaign to rescue an animal in a similar situation and focus on how would you raise awareness of the animal’s plight? Whom would they enlist to help them? Pick a digital tech tool that would enhance your campaign regarding animal’s conservation.
Lesson 11: Reflection: On TodaysMeet, post your reflection on how the story of Ivan had impacted your view about the world and life? Explain your answers and reply on three of your classmates.


Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. (2006).  Understanding by Design (2nd ed.).  New Jersey: Pearson.

Langemeier, J. (2015, June19). The One and Only Ivan Book Trailer. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/tld5xlSnkoU

      I believe that the Designing a PBL Unit assignment is a significant artifact that has contributed to my professional and personal knowledge. Through this assignment, I had the opportunity to create a unit by exploring the Project/ Problem-Based Learning (PBL) method and integrate digital technology tools into a curriculum for student’s learning. 
      The PBL unit was designed on how students would raise awareness of the animal’s plights. I will take advantage of the story of The Only and One Ivan by Katherine Applegate and facilitate several lessons that will guide students to fulfill the expectations of the unit. For the implementation of this unit, students need to be involved in literacy activities intertwined with research, work group and design artifacts. For the completion of this unit, students are expected to work on a variety of digital tools to demonstrate that they have reached the learning objectives. Such tasks are: podcasts, videos, movies, drawings, written discussions and PowerPoint presentations. I really like the lessons involved in this unit because their activities are prepared to encourage higher level thinking skills for students. Something that I might go back and revise in this unit study is the time frame. I would like to create a tentative chronogram to be discussed with the class. 
      In conclusion, through the Designing a PBL assignment, I learned that students will be interested in learning since they will deepen in how to apply learning to real-world problems and integrate a variety of digital tools to support communication, creativity and innovation, critical thinking skills and collaboration.  
      I would like to hear your thoughts regarding the PBL unit study implementation in your classrooms. How have you implemented the PBL units and what is the result?  If not, why have you not done so? 


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