713 Artifact: Assessments and Google Forms

One of the activities, that I enjoyed working within the Engaging e-learning (Fall/2018) course, was the creation of assessments for the unit design assignment. The main reasons were: exploring Google Forms side and learning how to create assessments and rubrics. I  am posting two students self-assessments as one of the artifacts for this course: teamwork rubric and an opinion writing rubric. Both assessments were created on Google Forms and with the intention of being graded by the students.

In the multiple choice teamwork rubric, students evaluate how well they have been collaborating with each other on a common goal. The descriptors include how they did their work for the team, how they helped the team, if they listened to other ideas from their teammates, if they shared ideas with their team, and if they treated their teammates with respect. The scale rate offers three options: still learning, sometimes and almost always. Here is a snipped shot of the rubric:

This rubric is also adapted from the following link Teamwork Rubric (K-2) You can also have access to the complete document at Teamwork Rubric-2nd Grade.

The opinion writing rubric is a multiple choice grid and the criteria referred to the topic, opinion, reasons, linking works, closing statement and mechanics. The scale rate, in general, grades of each criterion is clearly, mentioned or not at all. Below you can see a snipped shot of this student self-assessment:

The ideas for the opinion writing rubric were taken from Opinion Writing Rubric Ideas website and  I adapted it in the following link  Modified Opinion Writing Rubric

With the creation of these two assessments, I had the opportunity to explore and learn, with detail, how Google Forms work. With the tools that Google Forms offer, I have a variety of options to select from and can be very creative in engaging students in their learning process. Along with this, I  had learned how to create and adapt rubrics and assessments. Now I feel very confident about implementing on-line assignments with the help of digital technology tools.


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