
Showing posts from April, 2018

Assessing and Improving Students Achievement with Technology

      I would like to start by saying that this course of Assessing and Improving Students Achievement with Technology had offered me the chance to not only to use technology for assessing students, it had also provided me the tools for using assessments to enhance students' learning experiences. All the assignments, class discussions and the resources aimed at the reflection of why assessments are important in the class for both students and teachers. I would like to highlight the following assignments: the creation of a formative assessment using two different digital tools, and students self-assessment plan.         In reference to the design a formative assessment, I had the opportunity to design and compare Google Form and Socrative digital tools. For the creation of this assessment, I took what Dr. Anabel Jense spoke about on her video,   Asking Powerful Questions in the Class,  in regard to how to ...

Assessing and Improving Student Achievement with Technology - Online Rubric

The 4th-grade students will create a digital historical fiction book report by using screencasting. An online rubric tool is available for helping students know the expectations of the project. I am including this assignment as an artifact because it is a great example for demonstrating that through this tech-based project, students will be able to develop learning skills such as tech digital skills, keep on topic, summarize important events, and evolve oral media presentations. In reference to the project, the teacher will provide a list of books for students for their screencasting presentations. Students will be responsible for following a study guide that will be revised periodically by the teacher with the purpose of providing feedback and support students’ screencasting projects. Students also will share with their peers, twice a week, regarding how their projects are progressing and getting suggestions from their peers on how they can enhance their screencasting presentatio...

Assessing and Improving Student Achievement with Technology - Genius Hour

      Genius Hour Reflection       The Genius Hour idea was a new concept for me and after going over the USF resources, I can say that the Genius Hour refers to a student-centered learning trend that not only allows students to explore their own initiatives but build confidence, creativity and knowledge in any subject.  On True for Teachers podcast, A.J. Juliani recommends that teachers must guide the process of getting into the genius hour task by asking students to define what they want to learn and what they are going to make. Along with this, students should explain why and how they can get to the desired learning goal. I like the concept of the Genius Hour for the reason that students learn on their own motivations and they need to be able to identify and apply different strategies to answer their own questions. The Genius Hour also embraces the development of learning skills for the 21st century that is the 4C’s: Critical Thinking, Comm...